Rhetoric and WritingIntroductory undergraduate course in writing and critical thinking focused on the writing process in the digital classroom setting. Used new media strategies for research, brainstorming, collaborative editing, and presentation of student writing.
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Agnes Martin book Exposure book I Just Want to Look Like Greta Garbo: On Icons Autostraddle.com A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Make Money From Again The Paris Review Daily Take the Waters Outside Online New Mexico Women column Southwest Contemporary/The Magazine. Honorable Mention, 2019 Folio Awards. |
Literature and the HomeIntermediate undergraduate writing flag course in twenty-first-century depictions of home in literature and film. Focus on environmental and economic distress, homelessness, displacement, and queer families.
Writing Body, Revising SelfStudents read widely in contemporary creative nonfiction and attempt to pull apart the components and motivations behind a writer's stylistic choices in the interest of capturing their embodied experiences and their shifts in identity.